2 | Challenge Your Peers
Montag, 23. Juni
17:00 - 18:00
Live in Berlin
Weniger Details
I am Head of Group Compliance and leading the Responsible Business Program of Neumann Kaffee Gruppe, the largest green coffee service group in the world. The Responsible Business Program defines sustainability objectives for the four essential pillars of NKG’s business: Our people, supply chains, producers and the planet. For my Ph.D. (summa cum laude) at the interface between management studies and business ethics, I conducted case studies in seven corporations. My goal was to find out which dynamics in companies promote rule-breaking such as corruption and which measures are effective in promoting responsible behavior.
The pop in the job:
Sharing knowledge with others and supporting them on their way is important to me. I am
a mentor in the mentoring program of the Heinrich Böll Foundation and kuwi netzwerk international e.V. I try to build a bridge between my current work and research by giving classes in the field of International Business and Sustainability such as “Behavioral aspects of business ethics”, “Trends in Ethics, Compliance and CR” or “Implementing responsible business practices: Managing and leading change”.